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Article: Mentored by the attorney Dušan Mitrović, students from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana excelled at the international Sports Law Arbitration Moot

Izjemen uspeh mentorirancev odvetnika Dušana Mitrovića na mednarodnem tekmovanju iz športne arbitraže

Mentored by the attorney Dušan Mitrović, students from the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana excelled at the international Sports Law Arbitration Moot

Under the mentorship of attorney dr. Dušan Mitrović, the team representing the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana which consisted of Eva Logar and Ema Purkart has reached the semifinals
of the international competition Sports Law Arbitration Moot (SLAM) 2023. The competition was organized by LawInSport, the world leading sports law knowledge hub. In the first part of the competition, the teams were faced with a case related to the current issue of using a doppelganger to submit to the sample collection during the anti-doping procedures. The World Anti-Doping Agency
detected the occurrence of the previously mentioned prohibited method of sample substitution in the sport of weightlifting and has been actively investigating the issue and sanctioning the participants since 2016. The semifinals and finals, held at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in Lausanne, were based on a new case that dealt with the unilateral termination of a professional football contract. The questions that the contestants had to answer were related to the validity of oral agreements, whether or not the athlete had just cause to unilaterally terminate the contract and the amount of compensation the breaching party is required to pay as a consequence for terminating the contract without just cause. Competitors had a unique opportunity to plead their cases in front of renowned CAS arbitrators and experienced sports lawyers.

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