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Article: Law firm Zaman and partners Ltd. – new member of ICLA

Odvetniška pisarna Zaman in partnerji d.o.o. - nova članica ICLA

Law firm Zaman and partners Ltd. – new member of ICLA

We are pleased to announce that Law firm Zaman and partners Ltd has recently become the newest member of an an international alliance of law firms ICLA (International Commercial Law Alliance;

ICLA is aa international alliance of commercial law firms with members from all major jurisdictions around the world. Each ICLA member firm provides clients of other members with legal advisory services in its own respective jurisdiction. ICLA thus allows members and their clients a quick access to legal experts in relevant jurisdiction, whereby the clients may
be confident that whatever the relevant state or jurisdiction may be, they will be provided with
legal advisory services in accordance with the highest professional standards.

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Predavanji odvetnikov Marka Zamana in Dušana Mitrovića o aktualnih vprašanjih civilnega prava v energetskem sektorju

Attorneys Marko Zaman and Dušan Mitrović shed light on actual private law issues in the field of energetics

Our managing partner Marko Zaman and attorney dr. Dušan Mitrović gave lectures at this year`s Contemporary Obligations Law conference, organized by Tax-Fin-Lex under the professional guidance of dr...

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Psihična stiska športnika je upravičen razlog za zavrnitev nastopa

Mental distress of an athlete is a justified reason for refusing to compete

In a disciplinary proceeding before one of the national sports federations, we represented an athlete who allegedly unjustifiably refused to participate in an international competition for which he...

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