Jernej Pusser LL.M. - Attorney
Practice Areas:
- Corporate and Commercial Law
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Contract Law
- Litigation
- Intelectual Property Law
- Data Protection Law
- Bar exam (2015)
Foreign languages:
- English, German, French, Croatian
Memberships and Commitments:
- Slovenian Bar Association (2015)
- Slovenian Bar Exam (2015)
- Professional Exam in Administrative Law (2013)
- University of Vienna (Juridicum) – Master of Laws (LL.M.) – International and European Business Law (2012 – 2013)
- University of Amsterdam, Institute for Information Law (IViR) - Post Graduate Legal Education, International Copyright Law Summer School (2011)
- University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Law; Graduate studies – “cum laude” (2006-2011)
- Attorney, Zaman Law Office, LLC (2017 - )
- Attorney Candidate, Zaman Law Office, LLC (2016 - 2017)
- Attorney Candidate, Wolf Theiss, Slovenian Branch (2015-2016)
- Judicial Trainee, Higher Court in Ljubljana, Slovenia (2012)
- Legal Trainee, Intellectual Property Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (2011-2015)
- The Challenges of Technological Development are Underrated (Izzivov tehnološkega razvoja se premalo zavedamo), Pravna praksa, No. 23/2011, p.27.
- Development Strategies (EU, Slovenia, China, Singapore) – Littera Scripta Manet, Ljubljana Law Faculty, April 2011, pp. 119 – 140.
- The Economic Analysis of Copyright Term Extension (Ekonomska analiza podaljšanja avtorskih pravic) – Undergraduate Thesis, Ljubljana Law Faculty, September 2011.
- Legal Protection of Broadcasting Organizations and Operators of Communication Platforms in the Light of New Video on Demand Services in the EU – Post Graduate Legal Thesis, Vienna, Juridicum, 2013.
- Digitalization and Orphan Works (Digitalizacija in osirotela dela) In: Law in Information Society (Pravo v informacijski družbi) - GV založba, Ljubljana, 2014, pp. 91-101.
- LAPSI Policy Recommendation: The Proposed Inclusion of Cultural and Research Institutions in the Scope of PSI Directive – LAPSI Project, 2012.
- Ljudska Univerza Murska Sobota; CVŽU; Intellectual Property for Start-ups (2013).
- iTech IAESTE Conference; Intellectual Property for Start-ups (2014).
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Jernej Pusser LL.M. - Attorney
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